Project Sentinel’s Thought to Action Podcast

What Would a Civil War in America Today Look Like? - Project Sentinel's Thought to Action

The term "Civil War" has been thrown around, perhaps rather irresponsibly, by political pundits and sensationalists. Still, while the United States citizenry is increasingly polarized, perhaps this scenario may become ...a reality or something close to it. Thus, we ask at Project Sentinel: What would a U.S. Civil War look like today? What would the rules of engagement be? Whose sides are where? What about the weaponry? Are we already in a cultural and propaganda civil war?
Exploring these questions are:
Project Sentinel President LTC (Ret) Tony Shaffer
Project Sentinel Chairman Navy Capt (Ret) Pete O'Brien
Project Sentinel Distinguished Fellows:
LTC (British Army, Ret) Tim Wilson
Ambassador Hank Cooper
Moderator: Chris Cordani, Project Sentinel

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