Every year thousands of books are written, but we only read a few. Every year tens of thousands of documents are drafted, most are forgotten before the ink is dry. But some documents are the intellectual funnels of time – with everything before them seeming to lead to these key documents, and all thought after them seeming to blossom forth from those few words. We know the name of these documents: Hammurabi’s Code, the Ten Commandments, the Psalms, the Beatitudes – these and a fairly few others mark key inflection points in history, encapsulating in just a few words developments in thought, capturing inspiration from heaven, capturing the words of God for all time. At Sentinel there are certain documents that are recognized as being the very foundation stones of Western thought, some of these we have here on our web, documents that, in particular, point directly at the founding of our nation, documents that materially shaped not simply the nature of the modern republic, but shaped this modern republic, that made America that unique creation that it is. Washington noted that “The establishment of our new Government seemed to be the last great experiment for promoting human happiness.” These documents bring together the elements that made this last great experiment possible.